An independent day school for girls aged 9 to 18 in the heart of Knightsbridge, London

Welcome to More House

A Path to Success: The Best Independent Girls’ Schools in Knightsbridge London

Welcome to More House; a small school that means big business. We are a creative-thinking Catholic school for girls aged 9-18 in the heart of Knightsbridge, preparing our pupils to be the ethical leaders of tomorrow.

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Where London is Our Classroom

Icon Accordion Business


Bank of England

Museum of Brands, W11, V & A and Design Museum

Study of branding.

Rococo Chocolates, SW3

Branding exercise

Chelsea and Knightsbridge

Business location mapping (Local roads in Chelsea and Knightsbridge)

Peter Jones, Sloane Square

Customer service secret shopper activity.

Sloane Street and Sloane Square

Location for a Year 9 Urban Studies assignment.

Educational Institutions Accordion

Educational Institutions

Royal Institution

Sixth form explore the development of Science and biotechnology experiments.

Institute of Physics

Lectures for our Physicists.

University College London

Sixth form lecture series for Physics.

Royal Geographic Society

Students attend talks and workshops on the latest geographical research.

Institut Français

Students explore French literature, watch French films at the Ciné Lumière and discover French culture via their festivals and cultural events throughout the year.

Goethe Institut, SW7

German students attend language classes and both cultural and cinema events.

Instituto Cervantes, WC2R

Spanish students can access language classes, courses, theatre, cinema, music and competitions, either on-site or online.

Senate House Library

EPQ students visit the Senate House Library to learn more about using academic sources and to carry out independent research.

Icon Accordion Faith


Holy Trinity Church

Annual Prize Giving Ceremony
Music Concerts

St Vincent De Paul

Faith in Action has championed the work of SVP by raising awareness and money for the work of the organisation.

Glassdoor Homeless Shelter (Hammersmith)

Confirmation candidates go here on a Sunday evening to set up dinner for the homeless people.

Cardinal Hume Centre

Faith in Action has carried out some invaluable fundraising activities to support the great work of the Cardinal Hume Centre.

Westminster Synagogue – SW7

Pupils visit the synagogue to refresh their GCSE knowledge.

Tyburn Convent, Hyde Park Place

We visit the Nuns of Tyburn Convent whose lives are centred on Eucharistic Adoration for the glory of God and also on prayer for the human family.

Westminster Cathedral

We often walk down to the Cathedral to light candles and offer prayers in this lovely sanctuary and some of our girls are confirmed here.

St Mary’s Church

St Mary’s Church hosts our whole School Masses and faith enrichment evenings.

Museums Galleries Accordion

Museums and Galleries

The Victoria and Albert Museum

Art and textiles.

The Design Museum

Art and textiles.

Tate Modern

Art and textiles.

Tate Britain

Art and textiles.

Wallace Collection

Art and textiles.

National Portrait Gallery

Art and textiles.

The Photographer’s Gallery

Visited when learning about photography and to see new artist’s work.

British Museum

Used in art for drawing from direct observation.

John Soame’s House

Used in art for drawing from direct observation.

Courtauld Institute

Girls learn about Art History and conservation.

Fashion and Textile Museum

Science Museum

Access to cutting edge scientific research for Geography topics and for KS3 pupils to explore the Wonder Lab in Science. Maths students visit the Winton Gallery to explore how mathematics has shaped our world from war and peace to life, death, money, trade and beauty.

Saatchi Gallery

Art and textiles.

Natural History Museum

Visited for art, textiles, geography, biology, physics and chemistry.

Parks Gardens Accordion

Parks and Gardens

Chelsea Physic Garden

Students explore the medicinal properties of plant.

The Royal Court Theatre Cafe

Off campus study space.

Hyde Park

Geographers can explore the carbon and water cycles, ecosystems, create resources and develop field work skills in Geography and is used for our Ecology day out in Science. Study breaks and walks for sixth formers.

Icon Accordion School


More House School

Icon Accordion Sport


Clip and Climb – Chelsea

Sixth Form Bonding Day.

Fulham Reach Boat Club

Girls enjoy our Rowing Club here.

Imperial College Sports Centre

Climbing wall and state of the art Gym facilities.

Latchmere Leisure Centre – Battersea

Badminton and basketball are played here.

Millenium Stadium – Battersea Park

Curricular and co-curricular sport takes place here, as well as our annual Sports Day.

Theatres Performance Accordion

Theatres and Performance Spaces

Somerset House

Girls attend workshops, exhibitions and art talks.

The Barbican Centre

Girls attend workshops, exhibitions and art talks.

The Young Vic Theatre

One of the many London Theatres visited as part of the study of English and Drama.

The Globe Theatre

One of the many London Theatres visited as part of the study of English and Drama.

The Duke of York Theatre

One of the many London Theatres visited as part of the study of English and Drama

The National Theatre

One of the many London Theatres visited as part of the study of English and Drama.

Regents Park Open Air Theatre

One of the many London Theatres visited as part of the study of English and Drama.

Discover More House School

Discover Sport


More House (169)

We are proud of our Catholic heritage and ethos. Our mission gives us a spiritual depth that benefits each of our girls and forms the foundation of our community.

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Academic Ambition

More House (117)

More House offers a bespoke education that is future-focussed, preparing young women to be the ethical leaders of tomorrow. Our academic philosophy is underpinned by trust and strong teacher-pupil relationships. We know our girls well and support them in succeeding both in and out of the classroom.

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More House (15)

More House School has an outstanding reputation for its exceptional pastoral care, which is built on a foundation of respect, compassion and dignity in all interactions between staff, pupils and parents. Pupils are nurtured and guided closely by staff, in order to become resilient, confident and inspiring young women.

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