My idea to start The Head Girl’s Podcast stemmed from being back in school after the second lockdown in 2021. Although it felt like an utter joy to be in person after so long, we were unable to get to know new faces and build relationships in the same way we had previously done before the pandemic due to the various restrictions that had to in place. Extra-curricular activities were one way year groups from across Years 7-13 could build relationships through activities such as netball club, choir or the school play. These were all things that were still out of the question at that time.
I wanted to build an outlet which could enable past, present and future staff, pupils and parents to plug in, connect and experience even a small taster of the More House community from whatever location that may be. Whether on the tube, in another country or at home. As someone with a deep fascination, passion and interest for all things media, I thought creating a podcast would be a great way to facilitate this. The rest, as they say, is history (in the making).
Head Girl