More House offers a bespoke education that is future-focussed and prepares young women to be the ethical leaders of tomorrow. Our academic philosophy is underpinned by trust and strong teacher-pupil relationships. We know our students well and support them in succeeding both in and out of the classroom. More House is a greenhouse, not a hothouse. We provide a nurturing environment for all our students to grow to new heights.

Excellent subject knowledge

We value methods of teaching that are rooted in cognitive science and educational research, and prioritise the teaching of core knowledge, which we believe is vital to academic success. We deliberately teach revision and study skills to ensure that core knowledge is secure in the long-term memory and repeat tests and assessments throughout the year to promote ‘over-learning’. We believe that, over time, this fosters confidence and academic pride, whilst providing a secure foundation for the performance of more nuanced skills.

Stretch and challenge for all

Our students are challenged to achieve new heights, whilst being given the personal academic support and guidance they need in order to excel. We believe that every student has a gift. We identify these gifts and provide a personal academic and co-curricular programme to enable every student to reach her full potential. In lessons, our students are challenged to think critically about the world around them and about their work, reflect on their own progress and to map a path of personal growth towards even greater achievement.

You can find out more about our Be More programme here.

Responsible and innovative use of technology

More House is an innovative learning space, where every student uses a personal device to enhance the classroom experience. Teachers are enthusiastic, energetic and creative and have been fully trained in the use of innovative technologies in the classroom and online safety. Lesson materials are shared, submitted and returned through Google Classroom and our students are provided training and support in the responsible use of technology. We have adopted a blended approach to learning that recognises the importance of digital skills, whilst ensuring that creativity, drawing, making, building, handwriting and group work continues to be developed.

What I love about More House is that as a pupil you don’t feel pressured to do well, but rather you want to do well in everything you do because you’re made to feel that you have every capability of achieving what you want.

More House is a greenhouse, not a hothouse. We provide a nurturing environment for all our students to grow to new heights.

High quality and effective feedback

Teachers at More House are highly qualified, talented, and committed. We teach responsively, which means that we are constantly engaged in the act of adapting our teaching based on our assessment of students learning in order to maximise their progress. We seek to make explicit what excellence looks like and communicate this clearly to our students. We provide feedback that enables our students to improve, constantly building on their previous skills and knowledge to meet new academic goals. At the same time, they are equipped with the scientific principles of cognitive psychology that underpin learning, and proficient in employing techniques for retaining and recalling knowledge, developing and refining skills, and assessing and evaluating the quality of their learning.

High expectations of behaviour for learning

Visitors to our school comment on the students enthusiasm for learning. They are keen to get the most out of lessons and motivated to achieve their best. Students recognise that learning requires them to inhabit the space between right and wrong, confidence and uncertainty, and to be comfortable there. Our students take their learning seriously, but also know how to have fun in the classroom. They are rewarded for their commitment to high standards of work and diligence and they strive to achieve this.

Click on the images below to view the GCSE and Sixth Form Booklets

Gcse Options Booklet 2024 2026 Thumbnail

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