The Drama Showcase last term allowed students from years 7-13 to perform pieces they’ve been working on in clubs and lessons throughout the Autumn Term. We were delighted to welcome parents and siblings as well as staff and friends to witness the work of Team Drama! Thank you to all those who came along.

Year 10, 11 and 13 students performed their exam pieces and demonstrated their complex and multifaceted interpretations of characters from The Importance of Being EarnestBlood Brothers and Daisy Pulls It Off. This was a brilliant display of the dedication and determination it takes to study a text from analysis through to self-directed performance.

Year 7, 8 and 9 students performed extracts from Ash GirlLove and Information and A Midsummer Night’s Dream and wowed the audience with the range of emotions they were able to portray.

Arabella (Year 10) and Becca (Year 11) performed an extract from Wicked and to finish the night off, Drama Captain, Sarah (U6th) performed a naturalistic monologue from People, Places and Things. It was a brilliant showcase of the talent and passion of the More House Drama students and an exciting evening which allowed each of the students to shine in her own way. Thank you especially to Ana G (Year 11) and Sarah for hosting the evening and to our audiences for coming along!

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