From 13th to 16th May a small group a pupils went on their silver Duke of Edinburgh expedition. Here are a few of their memories and thoughts on their time in the Peak District:

“The Duke of Edinburgh expedition was the best as we got to learn more about the places and animals around us.  The evenings were fun as we played rounders using a water bottle and then we played against the air cadets. “
– Poppy (Year 10)
“The trip highlights for me were that we got to bond, having fun cooking with each other. However, I found climbing up a mountain to get to the viewpoint really hard as I was out of breath, but it was worth it because we got to the top. I learned that not everything can be easy, however, as you learn to cope with it you can easily succeed in the end.”
– Hennie (Year 10)
“DofE was a wonderful bonding experience with my group, we saw beautiful views in the Peak District and I believe we have all grown from it.”
– Becca (Year 10)

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