On Thursday 23rd March, Key Stage 3 (Year 7 and Year 9) put on an amazing production of Antigone. The cast has worked incredibly hard to learn lines, understand their characters, the dynamics between every character and embody their role through the use of costume. Each pupil has worked very well with each other and all have created new friendships with a different Year group.
A few words of thanks from the Creative Director, Ms Williams:
“I am incredibly proud of the efforts from the cast so I say a BIG thank you to each of you! Thank you to the Upper Sixth Drama students who assisted on the night. Another BIG thank you to Miss O’Callaghan for supporting the smooth running of the show during Show night, I appreciate you very much. A final BIG thank you to Carmela (Year 9), my Co-Stage Director and Jemima (Year 9), my Co-Costume Designer for stepping up to your roles, you were excellent”.
Until the next one!