Whole School Mass

Our whole School Mass which was led by Canon Paschal Ryan in Our Most Holy Redeemer and St Thomas More was delightful. Canon Paschal’s homily on discrimination was very powerful and the message clearly communicated to all was that we must ensure that we treat each and every individual with respect and dignity. Readings were led by the pupil and parent body. Music was led by the Senior Chamber choir and Yesim (L6th) performed a solo. It was lovely to have so many parents in attendance also. A really great way to begin the day!

Sports Day 2021

The unpredictable weather could not dampen the spirits of the More House girls on Tuesday as they competed in the annual Inter House Sports Day.  Each girl represented their house in at least 2 field events and 2 track events, although many of the students competed in much more!

The Junior age group events were exciting and for many of these girls was their very first athletic sports day.  Aalliyah (7A) had some remarkable performances in the sprints, whilst Mimi (7B) showed her endurance in the 800m.  Amelia (8A) showed fantastic determination and grit when she finished first for the Juniors in the 1500m – ahead of many of her older peers. Amber (8A) was able to jump 1.25m in high jump to take first place in an exciting competition.

The Intermediate age group saw Flora (10B) win the 100m sprint and then secure her second gold of the day as part of the Iona relay team. Estelle (10A) should be commended on the number of events she participated in, and added the extra points for Santiago with victory in the 1500m. Matilde (9A) made an impressive debut to the More House sports day with a win in the Discus throwing out of age group.

The Senior age group provided some exciting battles throughout the day.  None could be more exciting than the showcase Senior 100m race, which was won by Phoebe (11B) who commanded the race with impressive speed. Charlotte (L6th) demonstrated some superior endurance in both the 800 and 1500m and Ella Bea (11A) took double gold in the Discus and Long jump.

The long awaited staff/parent relay did not disappoint but it was Santiago that took first place despite Mr Chapman nearly breaking the sound barrier on his second leg for the parents team!

There were many athletic highlights of the day but the true pinnacle was to see the girls of More House join together to support one another. This could not have been clearer as almost every girl took part in the 1500m run to add points to their house tally.  Even as the rain started to pour the girls conducted themselves in a positive and supportive manner making the day both enjoyable and a success.

The overall results were:

1st: Canterbury with 462 points
2nd: Walsingham with 409 points
3rd: Iona with 384 points
4th: Santiago with 313 points

Well done to all involved and I have put in the order for good weather early for next year.

More House School 50th Anniversary Concert

After a lot of fun at Sport’s Day, we were treated to a big-screen viewing of our More House 50th Anniversary Concert! We are so proud of the student’s work and the dedication that went into producing such a brilliant video.

Thank you to all that took part, and to Miss Calderwood for creating it.

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